
Is the rolling robot the future of undercarriage inspection?

Le May 23, 2024 11:37:59 AM

[Page created in 2024 for translation of original content]

10 times cheaper!

That's the cost-saving achieved with an undercarriage inspection robot compared to the cost of pit-based undercarriage inspection. To inspect the condition of equipment under a train carriage, a pit setup is necessary. This involves reserving a track at the maintenance center, moving the train to the pit, and having an agent work underneath the train, which represents a significant cost.

But beyond cost, the limited availability of pits and maintenance agents makes this type of intervention very complex.

To facilitate undercarriage inspection, we were asked to design and develop a rolling undercarriage inspection robot.

The rolling robot: a more agile solution for undercarriage inspection

The rolling robot: a more agile solution for undercarriage inspection

To assist agents in carrying out visual inspection tasks without the need for special equipment, we designed a robotic solution that acts as a 'remote eye' on 6 driven wheels.

It is remotely operated up to a range of 100 meters and equipped with lighting to overcome darkness or backlighting encountered under a train.

The vision system is mounted on a mobile and 180° rotatable platform to ensure precise inspection.

This system optionally allows for capturing measurements with millimeter precision, being waterproof, and carrying a payload of up to 1.5 kg. Real-time video feedback is provided on a tablet.

In just 20 days, we were able to deliver the rolling robot and video assistance software, enabling our client to:

  • gain agility for inspection. It allows for immediate assessment of the undercarriage condition through its real-time video feedback device, regardless of the train's location.
  • better allocate resources: avoiding the need to mobilize a pit and an agent for visual inspection
  • optimize costs: there is no need to mobilize a train or reserve a pit

Prototype de robot d'inspection sous caisse - AltametrisRobot d'inspection sous caisse de train - Altametris





  1. Undercarriage inspection robot in its transport case (1)
  2. Undercarriage inspection robot on railway premises (2)

Can the undercarriage inspection robot completely replace the agent?

Obviously not! Our devices are intended to assist agents, facilitate their activities, and by no means replace them. Their skills and experience are indispensable.

Moreover, the robot only allows for visual verification of the undercarriage condition. For maintenance, agent intervention is still necessary, as is the use of the pit.

We offer prototyping solutions aimed at facilitating industrial maintenance. We work closely with industry experts to ensure that the solutions we offer are as suitable as possible for our clients' needs.

To facilitate access to our services, we have entered into a framework agreement with SNCF Réseau. 


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