
People Of Altametris : discover the role of data scientist with Marion

Le May 23, 2024 11:14:27 AM

[Page created in 2024 for translation of original content]

Data processing is at the core of our value proposition. Therefore, the role of Data Scientist is crucial at Altametris.

Discover in this new episode of our video series 'People Of Altametris' what the role of Data Scientist entails and how it materializes within the company.

Meet Marion, one of our data scientists, who is a topographic survey engineer.

What does the role of a data scientist entail on a daily basis at Altametris?

"I will handle projects from receiving the quotation to delivering to the client. Once the data has been acquired in the field, we will have two main steps:

  •  1. Data post-processing: From the raw data acquired in the field, we will post-process it to make it exploitable. We have two types of data: LiDAR data and photogrammetric data. From this data, we will generate a point cloud, and if we have photogrammetric data, we will generate an orthophoto.
  • 2. From this data, we will produce various deliverables for the client. They can be quite varied such as topographic plans, digital terrain models, or 3D models."

What are the qualities required to be a good data scientist?

"What makes a good data scientist is first and foremost being very rigorous. On the various projects we work on, there is a precision to be respected. So throughout our processes, from data processing to exploitation, we must adhere to all the requirements demanded to deliver quality documents and plans to the client.

Secondly, adaptability is essential: we work on very different projects, so we must be able to provide the most suitable solution for each case, meeting the client's needs."

What are Altametris' strengths in terms of data processing?

"Altametris has several strengths. Firstly, we have access to various acquisition means: aerial means (helicopter or drone) but also ground means. This really allows us to adapt to each case.

Furthermore, we are fortunate to have in-house developers who work on various tools and software solutions so that we can improve our performance, enhance the quality of our deliverables, and provide new solutions for client projects."


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