
Risk Assessment Related to the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (DROSERA Project)

Le May 23, 2024 10:57:36 AM

[Page created in 2024 for translation of original content]

In the series of articles labeled "R&D," we invite you to delve deeper into the research projects we're involved in with other companies. In this article, discover the DROSERA research project.

The Challenge around the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, proves to be a highly effective means for aerial inspection of outdoor infrastructures over large areas and data collection.

However, for these missions to be authorized, drone operators must ensure that flight trajectories meet a certain level of safety concerning third parties such as the population, transportation networks, critical infrastructures, etc.

It is therefore crucial to be able to identify and assess the risks associated with drone usage in a structured manner. It is in this context that the DROSERA solution is designed.

Altametris' Objective

This tool is designed within the framework of the ARDAM research project (Drone Risk Analysis for Asset Management), bringing together, in a Research-Industry Partnership, ONERA, Altametris, and RTE (French electricity transmission system operator).


Techniques, Technologies, and Methods Deployed

DROSERA integrates several probability calculation models that identify and assess risks associated with drone usage to assist in mission preparation or verification and decision-making.

It enables the automated calculation of quantitative risk indicators using models concerning fixed-wing drones, taking into precise account both the vehicle, flight procedures, mission, and environment.

Results and Development Outlook 

These models address specific end-of-flight strategies for risk mitigation (terminal spiral), sensitivity to time of day (people and traffic), as well as the effect of wind conditions.

Finally, DROSERA is an essential complement to our flight request management software. 

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