
The comprehensive master's program on digital twins for complex infrastructures and urban ecosystems (Digital Twin Project)

Le May 23, 2024 10:10:44 AM

[Page created in 2024 for translation of original content] 

In the series of articles labeled 'R&D,' we invite you to delve deeper into the research projects in which we participate with other companies. In this article, discover the European Digital Twin project. 

The challenge surrounding the Digital Twin project

The European Digital Twin project brings together a consortium of 8 European partners, including 4 Higher Education Institutions (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain, École des Ponts ParisTech - France, Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary, and Istanbul Technical University - Turkey), a research center (the National Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence of the Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București - Romania), and 4 specialized SMEs (Nommon, Altametris, Tyris AI, and MainRail).

This project aims to prepare and deliver a comprehensive master's program on digital twins for complex infrastructures and urban ecosystems.

It targets civil engineers working in strategic fields such as transportation, urban planning, energy, water, and environment.

The master's program will provide training in the most relevant and necessary digital skills for infrastructure digital twins (IoT, AI, data analysis, etc.) and their use in digitizing current and future infrastructure.

Innovative teaching methodologies will be offered, including practical group work, and students will be able to tailor their studies according to their own interests.

The second objective of this university research program is to establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) in digital twins for complex infrastructures and urban ecosystems.

This CoE will provide leadership and contribute to defining and standardizing the concept globally.


Altametris' objective

Specialized in digital solutions tailored for industrial enterprises, with a focus on railway infrastructure asset management through the development of digital twins, Altametris contributes its expertise to the master's program through conferences, training sessions, mentoring, data provision, and proposing case studies related to the railway domain.


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