
VEOLIA - Thermal Inspection Mission of a Substation

Le May 23, 2024 2:46:26 PM

[Page created in 2024 for translation of original content]

Veolia sought to inspect a high-voltage substation located in the suburbs of Rabat, Morocco, to detect abnormal heat points. Given the nature of the site, several hours are required for a pedestrian inspection tour, traditionally conducted visually by a single agent and at least 10 meters away from the high-voltage lines (60,000 V). A typical inspection therefore requires intervention, heavy safety constraints for sometimes imprecise and poorly documented results.

Veolia thus turned to Altametris for the thermal inspection of this substation. Performance objectives included : 

  • The quality of the deliverable and its ease of use considering business constraints
  • Improved safety for personnel and equipment through machine interface
  • Time savings due to the drone's ability, along with its sensor, to cover a large area quickly and accurately

Altametris addressed each of these imperatives by conducting airborne thermal inspection of this three-hectare area in just 30 minutes. The thermal orthophotography, produced from the captures, allowed Altametris to detect and pre-categorize heat points. The deliverable was made available to the client on the Altametris Suite platform for ergonomic consultation, enabling them to virtually explore their infrastructure focusing on points of interest.

Ground operations are thus optimized and directed towards the real maintenance needs of the operation.

Probable defect